is 2007 early mid or late 2000's ?

2007 is considered part of the late 2000s.

what about 2005?

2005 is considered part of the mid-2000s.

that's only a 2year difference!

Yes, you are correct. The difference in years between 2005 and 2007 is only two years. However, in terms of the cultural and historical context, 2005 is generally considered part of the mid-2000s, while 2007 is considered part of the late 2000s. These categorizations are based on trends, events, and cultural shifts that occurred during those periods.

so what years are late 2000's

The late 2000s typically refer to the years from 2007 to 2009.

i got you sucka my birth year is early late 2000's

I apologize for any confusion caused. The term "early late 2000s" is not commonly used to refer to a specific period. The early 2000s usually refers to the years from 2000 to around 2003, while the late 2000s typically refer to the years from 2007 to 2009.


2007 is the beginng of late 2000's which is the fist year of late 2000's which is why I said it's early late 2000's