find the volume of a sphere with a radius of 3 m used 3.14 as an approximation for PI. round your answer to the nearest hundredth IF necessary

The formula to calculate the volume of a sphere is given by V = (4/3)πr^3, where r is the radius.

Using the given radius of 3 m and the approximation of π as 3.14, we can substitute these values into the formula:

V = (4/3)(3.14)(3^3)
= (4/3)(3.14)(27)
= 113.04 m^3

Rounded to the nearest hundredth, the volume of the sphere is approximately 113.04 m^3.

find the volume of a sphere with a diameter of 12 m. leave your answer in terms of PI

The formula to calculate the volume of a sphere is given by V = (4/3)πr^3, where r is the radius.

Since the diameter is given as 12 m, the radius (r) is half of that value, which is 12/2 = 6 m.

Using this radius, we can substitute it into the volume formula:

V = (4/3)π(6^3)
= (4/3)π(216)
= 288π m^3

Therefore, the volume of the sphere with a diameter of 12 m is 288π cubic meters.

How much chocolate is in a spherical chocolate truffle with a radius of 12 mm? Use 3.14 as an approximation for pi around your answer to the nearest hundredth, IF necessary

To find the volume of the spherical chocolate truffle, we can use the formula for the volume of a sphere:

V = (4/3)πr^3,

where r is the radius.

Given a radius of 12 mm, we substitute this value into the formula:

V = (4/3)(3.14)(12^3)
= (4/3)(3.14)(1728)
= 9051.52 cubic mm.

Therefore, the volume of the chocolate truffle is approximately 9051.52 cubic mm.

How much chocolate is in a spherical chocolate truffle with a radius of 12 mm? Use 3.14 as an approximation for pi around your answer to the nearest hundredth, IF necessary.

you've answered this question wrong

Apologies for the previous incorrect response.

To find the volume of a spherical chocolate truffle, we can use the formula for the volume of a sphere:

V = (4/3)πr^3,

where r is the radius.

Given a radius of 12 mm, we substitute this value into the formula:

V = (4/3)(3.14)(12^3)
= (4/3)(3.14)(1728)
≈ 7238.08 cubic mm.

Therefore, the volume of the chocolate truffle is approximately 7238.08 cubic mm.

your answer should end in mm^3

Apologies for the mistake. You are correct.

The volume of the spherical chocolate truffle with a radius of 12 mm is approximately 7238.08 mm^3.

your answer is still wrong