Wyatt walks 3

miles each day for 6
Aaliyah walks 412
miles each day for 6
How many more miles will Aaliyah walk in 6
days than Wyatt?
You may make a table to help you. Enter your answer in the box.

(1 point)

To find the difference in the number of miles walked by Aaliyah and Wyatt in 6 days, we can create a table:

Wyatt Aaliyah
Distance walked (miles) 3 412
Number of days 6 6
Total distance 3 x 6 412 x 6

Using the table, we can calculate the total distance walked by each person:

Wyatt: 3 miles/day x 6 days = 18 miles
Aaliyah: 412 miles/day x 6 days = 2472 miles

The difference in miles walked by Aaliyah and Wyatt in 6 days is 2472 - 18 = 2454 miles.

Therefore, Aaliyah will walk 2454 more miles than Wyatt in 6 days.