Common guppies 3.1x^2+6x+0.3

Endlers guppies 4.2x^2-5.2x+1

The given equations represent the growth rates of common guppies and Endlers guppies over time.

Common guppies: 3.1x^2 + 6x + 0.3
Endlers guppies: 4.2x^2 - 5.2x + 1

In both equations, x represents time. The growth rate is described by the quadratic equation in each case.

For common guppies, the growth rate starts with 0.3 and increases over time with the quadratic term. The coefficient of the x-squared term is positive (3.1), indicating an upward concave growth curve.

For Endlers guppies, the growth rate starts with 1 and has a quadratic term that can both increase and decrease over time. The coefficient of the x-squared term is positive (4.2), also indicating an upward concave growth curve. However, the negative coefficient of the x-term (-5.2) suggests that the growth rate may decrease at certain points before increasing again.

These equations provide a mathematical representation of how the populations of common guppies and Endlers guppies change over time.