A local bakery opened with new equipment worth $80,000. Ten years later, the owners’ accountants told them that their equipment had depreciated at a rate of 6 percent per year. Which equation would you use to create a sequence modeling this situation?(1 point)


a subscript n baseline equals 80,000 left parenthesis 0.94 right parenthesis superscript n baseline

a subscript n baseline equals 80,000 left parenthesis 0.94 right parenthesis superscript n minus 1 baseline

a subscript n baseline equals 80,000 left parenthesis 0.06 right parenthesis superscript n baseline

a subscript n baseline equals 80,000 left parenthesis 0.06 right parenthesis superscript n minus 1 baseline

The equation that would be used to create a sequence modeling this situation is:
