Use the excerpt to answer the question.

Ryan: I'll look behind the curtains.

Dad: Hmm. He's not under his bed. Where could he be?

Ryan: Well, I'll be-..Mom! Dad! Everyone, come here! I've found him!

All: Where is he? I don't see him. Is he still scared?

Ryan: Look! *Ryan opens the curtains to the porch and MITCHELL is sitting on the porch, his back to the family and earmuffs over his ears*

Mom: (Shaking her head) I don't believe it!

Stephen: Would you look at that!

Olivia: He figured it out for himself! *The entire family goes out to the porch and MITCHELL turns and notices them*

MITCHELL: *Lifting up one of the earmuffs* I don't mind a good storm, I just like it quiet.

Dad: All right, everybody-inside! It's not safe to be out here during an electrical storm. We'll enjoy the show from the comfort, and safety of the living room. *A crack of thunder is heard and family goes back inside and chats as the curtain falls*

In 2 sentences, explain a conclusion that can be drawn about the play based on the structure of this excerpt.

Based on the structure of this excerpt, it can be concluded that the play involves a search for a missing person and the eventual discovery of their whereabouts. Additionally, there is mention of an electrical storm, indicating that the play may involve elements of suspense or danger.