Which is the sum of

2 2/5 and 1 3/5?
Use the calculator.

To find the sum of 2 2/5 and 1 3/5 using the calculator, you need to convert the mixed numbers into improper fractions.

2 2/5 can be written as (2 * 5 + 2) / 5 = 12/5.
1 3/5 can be written as (1 * 5 + 3) / 5 = 8/5.

Now, you can add the fractions together:
12/5 + 8/5 = (12 + 8) / 5 = 20/5.

Dividing the numerator by the denominator:
20/5 = 4.

Therefore, the sum of 2 2/5 and 1 3/5 is 4.