Name three eras of geologic time

1. Paleozoic Era: This is the earliest era of geologic time, spanning from about 541 million to 252 million years ago. It is known for the diversification of life, with the emergence of fish, amphibians, reptiles, and eventually land plants. The Paleozoic Era also witnessed the formation of supercontinents and major mass extinctions.

2. Mesozoic Era: This era occurred between 252 million and 66 million years ago. It is often referred to as the "Age of Dinosaurs" due to the dominance and extinction of these reptiles during this time. The Mesozoic Era is characterized by the breakup of the supercontinent Pangaea, the emergence of mammals and birds, as well as the evolution of flowering plants.

3. Cenozoic Era: This is the most recent era, starting around 66 million years ago and continuing to the present. It is often called the "Age of Mammals" as mammals diversified and became the dominant land animals. The Cenozoic Era also witnessed the diversification of birds, the evolution of primates, and the emergence of modern humans.