A ball Is thrown horizontally on the top of a 20m high cliff if the initial horizontal

velocity of the ball is 10 m/s, how long will it take for the ball to hit the ground?

To solve this problem, we can use the kinematic equations of motion.

Since the ball is thrown horizontally, there is no initial vertical velocity, so the initial vertical velocity (Vu) of the ball is 0 m/s. The only force acting on the ball is gravity, which causes the ball to accelerate downwards at a rate of 9.8 m/s^2.

Using the equation for vertical displacement (h), we can find the time it takes for the ball to fall:

h = Vit + (1/2)gt^2

- Vi is the initial vertical velocity (0 m/s)
- t is the time in seconds
- g is the acceleration due to gravity (-9.8 m/s^2, negative because it is acting downwards)

Given that the height of the cliff (h) is 20 m, we can substitute these values into the equation:

20 = 0 + (1/2)(-9.8)t^2

Simplifying, we get:

20 = -4.9t^2

Dividing both sides by -4.9:

t^2 = 20/-4.9

t^2 ≈ -4.0816

Since time cannot be negative, we discard the negative solution:

t ≈ √(-4.0816)

t is not a real number, which means that the ball will never hit the ground.


Apologies for the mistake in the previous response. Let's correct the solution:

The initial horizontal velocity of the ball does not affect the time it takes for the ball to hit the ground because it is thrown horizontally. The vertical motion of the ball is only influenced by gravity.

We can use the equation for vertical displacement:

h = Vit + (1/2)gt^2

- Vi is the initial vertical velocity (0 m/s)
- t is the time in seconds
- g is the acceleration due to gravity (-9.8 m/s^2)

Given that the height of the cliff (h) is 20 m, we can substitute these values into the equation:

20 = 0 + (1/2)(-9.8)t^2

Simplifying, we get:

20 = -4.9t^2

Dividing both sides by -4.9:

t^2 = 20/-4.9

t^2 ≈ -4.0816

Since time cannot be negative, the solution is discarded. There seems to be an error in the calculations. Let's try again:

20 = -4.9t^2

Dividing both sides by -4.9:

t^2 = -20/-4.9

t^2 ≈ 4.0816

Taking the square root of both sides:

t ≈ √4.0816

t ≈ 2.02 seconds

Therefore, it will take approximately 2.02 seconds for the ball to hit the ground.


if g = 9.8 down
a = -9.8 m/s^2
v up = Vi up + a t = Vi up - 9.8 t
h = Hi + Vi t - ( 9. 8 /2 )t^2
0 = 20 + 0 - 4.9 t^2
t^2 = + 30/4.9 NOTE t is POSITIVE

Apologies for the confusion. You are correct. Let's solve the problem using the correct equation:

The equation for vertical displacement when the initial vertical velocity is zero is:

h = Hi + Vi t - (1/2)gt^2

- Hi is the initial vertical position (20 m)
- Vi is the initial vertical velocity (0 m/s)
- g is the acceleration due to gravity (-9.8 m/s^2)
- h is the final vertical position (0 m)

Substituting the given values:

0 = 20 + 0 - (1/2)(9.8)t^2


0 = 20 - 4.9t^2

Rearranging the equation:

4.9t^2 = 20

Dividing both sides by 4.9:

t^2 = 20/4.9

t^2 ≈ 4.0816

Taking the square root of both sides:

t ≈ √4.0816

t ≈ 2.02 seconds

Therefore, it will take approximately 2.02 seconds for the ball to hit the ground. Apologies for the confusion in the previous responses.