A teacher holds two negatively charged balloons near each other. She says that there is a force between the balloons. How will the balloons behave that will support the teacher’s claim?(1 point)


The balloons will not move.
The balloons will not move.

The balloons will become neutral.
The balloons will become neutral.

The balloons will move away from each other.
The balloons will move away from each other.

The balloons will move towards each other.

The balloons will move towards each other.

Are you sure

I apologize for the confusion. No, the correct answer is that the balloons will move away from each other. This is because like charges (both balloons being negatively charged) repel each other.

Zack places iron filings on a piece of paper near a bar magnet. The iron filings quickly move and form a pattern around the magnet. Which argument does this evidence BEST support?(1 point) Responses Magnetic fields exist between objects that are not directly touching each other. Magnetic fields exist between objects that are not directly touching each other. Big magnets can attract more objects. Big magnets can attract more objects. Only materials that are made of metal have a magnetic force. Only materials that are made of metal have a magnetic force. A magnet can attract all objects through different materials.

The evidence best supports the argument that magnetic fields exist between objects that are not directly touching each other.