what is the standard from of a point that passes through -2,5 and has a slope of 4

The standard form of a linear equation is given by Ax + By = C, where A, B, and C are constants.

To determine the equation of the line passing through the point (-2,5) with a slope of 4, we can use the point-slope form of a linear equation, which is:

y - y1 = m(x - x1)

where (x1, y1) represents the given point and m represents the slope.

Substituting the values into the formula, we have:

y - 5 = 4(x - (-2))
y - 5 = 4(x + 2)
y - 5 = 4x + 8

Now, to convert this into the standard form, we need to arrange the terms so that A, B, and C are integers. Thus, we subtract 4x and add 5 to both sides:

-4x + y = 8 + 5
-4x + y = 13

Therefore, the equation of the line passing through the point (-2,5) with a slope of 4 in standard form is -4x + y = 13.