The Reformation brought about many changes in society's culture. Due to the printing press information was more accessible to the European Commoner, and with controversial information comes division. People were forming opinions on religious ideas that turned father against son and mother against daughter. No longer was everyone unified by the same religious beliefs. The Protestant Reformation led to wars and division. Henry the 8th's male heir obsession added to the chaos, dividing people even further. What changed most during the Reformation was definitely Christianity, and the way people practiced it, as different sects were formed. Aspects of life that were not affected during the Reformation include division leading to war. People have almost always, since the beginning of time, gone to war with those they disagree with. While a complete state of unity and peace had never fully been a part of Europe, the Reformation did not, in any way, inch closer to the ideal state of continental serenity.

explain how you agree with this response

use agree transition words

I completely agree with this response for several reasons. Firstly, the introduction of the printing press during the Reformation undoubtedly made information more accessible to the average European. This led to the spread of controversial ideas and religious beliefs, causing division among individuals and families alike. The use of the agree transition words "due to" highlights the cause and effect relationship between the printing press and the resulting division in society.

Additionally, the mention of the Protestant Reformation leading to wars and further divisions further supports the argument. The agree transition word "and" emphasizes the continuity of divisive conflicts throughout history, showing that the Reformation did not bring about any significant change in this aspect of human nature.

Furthermore, the statement accurately acknowledges that the practice of Christianity underwent significant change during the Reformation, with the formation of different sects. The agree transition word "definitely" highlights the firm agreement with this point.

Lastly, the response asserts that the Reformation did not bring Europe any closer to a state of unity and peace. The agreement is reinforced through the use of the agree transition phrase "in any way," discrediting any notion of the Reformation leading to a more harmonious society.

In conclusion, I agree with this response because it effectively highlights the divisive nature of the Reformation and its limited impact on achieving unity and peace in European society. The use of agree transition words effectively conveys this agreement and strengthens the argument.