How has one specific Supreme Court ruling expanded freedom of speech by limiting a public official's ability to press for libel? Choose the best answer

A: Adams v. Jefferson determined that pursuing charges of libel is unconstitutional
B: New York Times v. United States determined that libel is allowed in certain instances
C: Near v. Minnesota determined that libel is allowed if it servers the interest of the public
D: New York Times v. Sullivan determined that actual malice must be proven to pursue charges of libel in the case of a public official

The correct answer is D: New York Times v. Sullivan determined that actual malice must be proven to pursue charges of libel in the case of a public official. This landmark Supreme Court case in 1964 expanded freedom of speech by setting a higher standard of proof for defamation claims made by public officials. The ruling established that in order to press charges of libel against a public official, the plaintiff must prove that the defamatory statement was made with "actual malice" – with knowledge of its falsity or with reckless disregard for the truth. This decision provided greater protection for freedom of speech and press when it comes to discussing public officials.


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