In the play titled The Unexpected Hawk by John Waiko, why is the coming of the kiap bad news? Explain in one sentence

The coming of the kiap is bad news because it symbolizes the invasion of the indigenous people's land and their loss of autonomy.

No, the kiap sends people to prison or the bad house as called in the play? So why is his coming bad? Explain in one sentence

The coming of the kiap is bad news because it signifies the imposition of authority and punishment, resulting in the imprisonment or banishment of individuals.

Answer in more simpler words

The coming of the kiap is bad news because it means people will be sent to prison or banished from their community.

What action has the kiap done that is described as bad? Explain in one sentence

The kiap's actions of sending people to prison or the "bad house" are described as bad because it results in the punishment and separation of individuals from their community.

What is important about the fact that the kiap does not acknowledge the difference in status of villagers (status is particularly important in this culture). Explain in one sentence

The fact that the kiap does not acknowledge the difference in status of villagers highlights a disregard for the cultural importance of social hierarchy within the community.