Which of the following statements best describe maya cities

1. Maya cities were highly organized and urban centers

2. Maya cities were often built around ceremonial centers, such as large pyramids and temples
3. Maya cities were inhabited by a large number of people, with populations ranging from a few thousand to tens of thousands
4. Maya cities had a complex social structure, with rulers, nobles, priests, and commoners
5. Maya cities were known for their intricate and advanced architectural features, such as palaces, ballcourts, and observatories
6. Maya cities were often surrounded by agricultural fields and had systems for water management and irrigation
7. Maya cities were interconnected through trade networks, allowing for the exchange of goods and ideas
8. Maya cities were centers of artistic and intellectual activity, with the creation of elaborate sculptures, murals, and hieroglyphic inscriptions
9. Maya cities experienced political and territorial conflicts, leading to the rise and fall of different city-states over time.