Which of the following examples, accurately contrast, political participation in democratic, and authoritarian systems of government

1. In a democratic system, citizens have the right to vote and participate in political decision-making through elected representatives. In an authoritarian system, citizens have limited or no voting rights and little say in political decision-making.

2. In a democratic system, political parties and civil society organizations can freely operate and express their views. In an authoritarian system, political parties and organizations may be banned or tightly controlled by the government.
3. In a democratic system, there is freedom of the press and citizens can freely express their opinions and criticize the government. In an authoritarian system, the media is often controlled by the government and dissent or criticism of the government can lead to censorship or punishment.
4. In a democratic system, there are independent judiciary and rule of law, which protect citizens' rights and ensure fairness. In an authoritarian system, the judiciary is often subordinated to the government's interests, and the rule of law can be easily manipulated or ignored.
5. In a democratic system, there are regular and fair elections where multiple political parties can compete for power. In an authoritarian system, elections may be rigged or highly controlled, with only one ruling party or leader maintaining power.
6. In a democratic system, citizens have the right to form peaceful protests and demonstrations to express their grievances. In an authoritarian system, protests and demonstrations may be suppressed, and citizens can face harsh consequences for expressing dissent.
7. In a democratic system, there is a separation of powers, with checks and balances between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. In an authoritarian system, power is often concentrated in the hands of a single leader or a small group, without proper checks and balances.
8. In a democratic system, there is transparency and accountability in government actions, with public officials being held responsible for their actions. In an authoritarian system, corruption and lack of accountability are more prevalent, as public officials face fewer consequences for their actions.