Congress passed the State Colonization Law of 1825 to continue to encourage empresario contracts and _____________by Anglos.(U3 Lesson 9 page 13)


The Native Texans and the Tejanos were forced to abandon the lands where they had lived for centuries.

This led to _____________. (U3 Lesson 9 page 13)


Slavery was a problem even before Americans began moving to Mexico (Texas).

Mexican government and the Mexican people did not want __________ allowed (Unit 3 Lesson 10 page 3)


Money was scarce during this time; people would ____________ to conduct their business instead of using money. (U3 Lesson 12 page 4)

Large-scale ____________ farming started in Texas, and that led to the expansion of slavery. (Unit 3 Lesson 12 page 4)

barter; plantation

Farmers moving to Texas from the southern United States brought slaves with them to help grow and harvest cotton.

__________________ Bay and Texas Land Company – a business founded in 1830 that took over contracts from unsuccessful empresarios in dishonest ways. (Unit 3 Lesson 12 page 9)


The immigrants were told that was their claim to land in Texas.

The certificates were _________________. (Unit 3 Lesson 12 page 14)

land grants