A cartoon titled China's open door policy shows a group of gentlemen marching out a door a door labeled EXIST, behind them was a small man in a uniform labeled JAP holding a gun and pointing it at them. On the right-hand side of the man in JAP uniform is another group of weary looking Asian men standing and looking at another small JAP uniform man holding a sword and standing up straight. In-between the two groups is a pile of papers burning and creating a huge smoke. According to the information I just gave, answer the following questions:

1. What is written on China's Open Door Policy in these cartoon?
2. What is its significance?
3. Who is being marched out the door by the soldiers?
4. Why is the soldiers carrying guns?
5. Which country is represented by the uniform soldiers in this cartoon?
6. What is burning?
7. Who is being guarded by soldiers?

1. The cartoon does not specify what is written on China's Open Door Policy.

2. The significance of the cartoon is to represent the challenges and risks associated with China's Open Door Policy during a specific period.
3. The group being marched out the door by the soldiers represents the individuals associated with China's Open Door Policy.
4. The soldiers are carrying guns possibly to symbolize the use of force or control in enforcing the policies.
5. The uniform soldiers in the cartoon represent Japan.
6. The burning pile of papers represents important documents or agreements related to China's Open Door Policy.
7. The individuals who are being guarded by soldiers are the weary looking Asian men standing on the right-hand side, who may represent another group impacted by the policy.