Which two things need to be perfect in order for petroleum to form? (1 point)

• rocks and metal

• wind and water

•pressure and temperature

• soil and metal ore

• Soil is formed over hundreds of years as rocks are broken down into tiny particles.

• pressure and temperature

• Only some places have the correct conditions for metal ores to form.

• They are being used up faster than they can be formed again.

Which best describes how soil is formed? (1 point)

• Soil is formed over millions of years as rocks are melted from extreme heat.
• Soil is formed over hundreds of years as rocks are broken down into tiny particles.
• Soil is formed over a few days as wind blows particles of sand from one place to another.
• Soil is formed over millions of years as rocks stack on top of each other.

Why are metal ores not found in every part of the world? (1 point)

• Only some places have the right water and wind to create metal ores.
• Only some places have the correct conditions for metal ores to form.
• Metal ores are only found where there are mountains.
• Metal ores are only found where organisms have died.

Why are resources like soil, petroleum, and metal ores nonrenewable? (1 point)

• They have been broken down over millions of years and cannot be used.
• There is not enough heat and pressure to create these resources.
• They are being, used up faster than they can be formed again.
• There is plenty of time for these resources to renew as humans use them.