Q.1.5 You are required to write unit tests for the application. Create a test package within the

application you created, which will contain the necessary unit tests.
You are required to write the following unit tests:
Test Name Test Purpose
CalculateTotalSales_ReturnsTotalSales() To supply the property sales to the
estate agent sales method. The test
will determine that the correct total
sales value is returned from the estate
agent sales method.
CalculateTotalCommission_ReturnsCommission() To supply a total property sales
amount to the estate agent
commission method. The test will
determine that the correct estate
agent commission has been
TopAgent_ReturnsTopPosition() To supply total sales for each estate
agent to the top estate agent method.
The test will determine the top selling
total property sales for the estate
agent..include import method.In Java

To create the necessary unit tests, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a new package in your application. Right-click on the src/main/java folder and select New -> Package. Name the package "test" or any other suitable name.

Step 2: Create a new Java class for each unit test. Right-click on the test package, select New -> Class. Name the class according to the test purpose. For example, you can name the first test class CalculateTotalSales_ReturnsTotalSalesTest.

Step 3: Write the unit test method inside the test class. Here's an example of how you can write the CalculateTotalSales_ReturnsTotalSales test:

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;

public class CalculateTotalSales_ReturnsTotalSalesTest {
public void testTotalSalesCalculation() {
// Create an instance of the EstateAgent class
EstateAgent agent = new EstateAgent();

// Call the sales method on the agent with some test data

// Call the getTotalSales method and assert the expected result
assertEquals(6000, agent.getTotalSales());

Step 4: Repeat Step 3 for the remaining unit tests (CalculateTotalCommission_ReturnsCommissionTest and TopAgent_ReturnsTopPositionTest). Adjust the test logic and expected results accordingly.

Step 5: Run the tests. Right-click on the test package, select Run As -> JUnit Test. The test results will be displayed in the JUnit panel.

Note: Make sure to include the necessary import statements at the top of each test class, such as import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; and import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;.