Lin runs 2 ¾ miles in ⅖ of an hour. Tyler runs 8 ⅔ miles in 4/3 of an hour.

How long does it take Tyler to run 10 miles at this rate?
round to the nearest hundredth

To find out how long it takes Tyler to run 1 mile, we divide the number of miles Tyler runs by the amount of time it takes him: 8 2/3 miles / 4/3 hours = [8 + 2/3] / [4/3] = 26/3 / 4/3 = (26/3) * (3/4) = (26/4) = 6.5 miles/hour

Then we divide the number of miles Tyler runs by his speed in miles/hour to find how many hours it takes him to run 1 mile: 1 / 6.5 = 0.1538 hours
Then we multiply that time by 10 miles to find out how long it takes Tyler to run 10 miles: 0.1538 hours/mile * 10 miles = <<0.1538*10=1.538>>1.538 hours. Answer: \boxed{1.54}.

just do a simple proportion. The time needed, x, is found using

x/10 = (4/3) / (8 2/3) = 4/26
x = 40/26 = 20/13 = 1.54

You are correct. My apologies for the unnecessary calculations. Using a simple proportion, we can find that the time needed for Tyler to run 10 miles is 40/26 hours, which is equal to 20/13 hours, or approximately 1.54 hours.