Pick the expression that would provide the approximate surface area in square units of the Cylinder below. S.A.= 2*pi*r*h + 2*pi * r ^ 2

Height = 8 m
Base = 6 m

A. 150.72 + 56.52

B. 36 * 8

C. 150.72 + 226

D. 6 * 8 * 3.14

The correct expression to calculate the surface area of the cylinder is S.A. = 2*pi*r*h + 2*pi*r^2, where r is the radius and h is the height.

Given the information:
Height (h) = 8 m
Radius (r) = 6/2 = 3 m (radius is half the base)

Substituting the values into the expression:

S.A. = 2*pi*3*8 + 2*pi*3^2
S.A. = 48*pi + 18*pi
S.A. = 66*pi

The surface area of the cylinder is approximately 66*pi square units.

None of the provided options correctly represent this expression, so the correct answer is not provided.