At the end of the 2000 baseball season, the New York Yankees and the Cincinnati Reds had won a total of 31 World Series. The Yankees had won 5.2 times as many World Series as the Reds. How many World Series did each team win?

Let's say that the number of World Series won by the Reds is x.

The number of World Series won by the Yankees is 5.2*x.

So, the total number of World Series won by both teams is x + 5.2*x = 6.2*x.
According to the problem, 6.2*x = 31.
Dividing both sides by 6.2 gives x = 31/6.2 = 5.

The number of World Series won by the Reds is 5.
The number of World Series won by the Yankees is 5.2*5 = 26.