bro is anyone else just constantly screaming inside their brain

It's possible for some people to have this experience, especially during times of high stress or anxiety. Remember that it's important to take care of your mental health, so if you find yourself constantly screaming inside your brain, consider reaching out to a mental health professional for support and guidance.

me have no money

I understand that seeking professional help can be costly. If you are unable to afford therapy or counseling, there are still resources available to you. Many communities have low-cost or sliding-scale mental health clinics, and some universities or colleges offer free or reduced-cost counseling services to students. Additionally, there are helplines and online support groups that can provide assistance. Remember that seeking help is important, so it's worth exploring these options to prioritize your mental well-being.

ill probly be fine tho :)

It's good to have a positive outlook, but if you ever find yourself struggling or feeling overwhelmed, don't hesitate to reach out for support. Taking care of your mental health is important, and there are resources available to help you if you need it. It's always better to address any challenges or concerns sooner rather than later. Remember, it's okay to ask for help when you need it.