Review,Discuss, explain and write how the following major international and national legal document promote the inclusion thought/practices in general and the issues of person with disabilities/special needs or vulnerable groups in particular

1.The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child(1989)

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) is a major international legal document that promotes inclusion in general and specifically addresses the issues of persons with disabilities/special needs or vulnerable groups.

Firstly, the Convention emphasizes the principle of non-discrimination, stating that every child, regardless of disability or special needs, should enjoy all the rights set forth in the document without discrimination of any kind. This promotes inclusion by ensuring that children with disabilities or special needs are not excluded from accessing education, healthcare, and other essential services.

Secondly, the Convention promotes the right to education for all children, including those with disabilities or special needs. It highlights the need for inclusive education systems that accommodate the diverse learning needs of children, promoting their full participation and integration into mainstream schools. It also recognizes the importance of providing necessary support, reasonable accommodations, and individualized assistance to ensure that children with disabilities can effectively access and benefit from education.

Additionally, the Convention underscores the right to health for all children, including those with disabilities. It emphasizes the need for access to quality healthcare services, including early detection, intervention, and rehabilitation programs, addressing the specific needs of children with disabilities or special needs. This not only promotes their overall well-being but also ensures their active participation in society.

Furthermore, the Convention acknowledges the right of children with disabilities or special needs to enjoy a decent standard of living, social protection, and inclusion in their communities. It calls for the provision of necessary support and services to these vulnerable groups to enable their full participation in society while preventing discrimination and segregation.

At the national level, many countries have incorporated the principles and provisions of the Convention into their legislation, policies, and programs. This ensures that the rights of children with disabilities or special needs are protected, and their inclusion is promoted across various sectors such as education, healthcare, social services, and more. These national legal frameworks compliment and reinforce the international efforts towards inclusion.

Overall, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is a vital legal document that promotes inclusion in general and focuses on the rights and needs of children with disabilities or special needs. It highlights the principles of non-discrimination, equal access to education and healthcare, and ensuring a decent standard of living and social protection. By adhering to these principles and implementing the Convention's provisions, countries can work towards a more inclusive and equitable society for all children.