Review,Discuss, explain and write how the following major international and national legal document promote the inclusion thought/practices in general and the issues of person with disabilities/special needs or vulnerable groups in particular

1. The Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action(1994)

The Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action is a major international legal document that promotes inclusion and addresses the issues faced by persons with disabilities/special needs or vulnerable groups. It was adopted in 1994 at the UNESCO World Conference on Special Needs Education held in Salamanca, Spain.

The Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action emphasizes the fundamental principles of inclusive education and aims to provide equal educational opportunities for all students, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. It highlights the importance of inclusive schools where children with special needs can learn alongside their peers in regular classrooms. This document encourages governments to adopt inclusive education policies and support systems that cater to the diverse needs of students.

In terms of promoting inclusion in general, the Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action emphasizes that inclusive education benefits all students, as it fosters a sense of respect, diversity, and understanding among individuals. It promotes the understanding that all children have the right to access quality education within their communities.

In relation to persons with disabilities/special needs or vulnerable groups, the document recognizes the need for a barrier-free education system that accommodates their diverse needs. It calls for an inclusive approach that ensures participation, equity, and non-discrimination for these individuals. The document also emphasizes the importance of early intervention and support for children with disabilities/special needs, as well as the need for adequate teacher training and curriculum development to meet their educational needs.

The Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action has had a significant impact on shaping inclusive education policies and practices worldwide. It has led to the development of legislative frameworks and the implementation of inclusive education strategies in many countries. It has also fostered international cooperation and collaboration in promoting the inclusion of persons with disabilities/special needs or vulnerable groups in education.

In conclusion, the Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action is a major international legal document that promotes inclusion by advocating for inclusive education and addressing the issues faced by persons with disabilities/special needs or vulnerable groups. It highlights the importance of equal educational opportunities, non-discrimination, and support systems to ensure the inclusion of all individuals in the education system.