Poem 2: Free Verse

In a world of shadows and whispers,
I am a voice lost in the noise,
A lingering echo in the abyss of silence.

I am the solitary tree in the depths of the forest,
Whose branches reach towards an unseen sky,
Yearning for the touch of sunlight.

I am the forgotten poem, scribbled on a tattered page,
Words once filled with emotion,
Now faded into obscurity.

In the company of a thousand faces,
I remain invisible, a ghost in the crowd,
A mere specter in the tapestry of life.

But within this solitude, there lies strength,
An inner flame that refuses to be extinguished,
A quiet resilience that defies the chaos.

For even in the silence, I am heard,
In the darkness, I am seen,
And in the solitude, I find solace.

find the meaning to this poem

The meaning of this poem can be interpreted in various ways, as poetry often allows for personal resonance and subjective understanding. However, one possible interpretation is that the speaker feels overlooked, unheard, and unnoticed in a world filled with noise and distractions. They compare themselves to a solitary tree longing for sunlight and a forgotten poem lost in the pages of time.

Despite this feeling of insignificance, the speaker acknowledges the strength and resilience that exist within their solitude. They find solace and inner peace in the quiet moments, where they believe their voice can be heard, their presence can be seen, and their essence can be felt.

Overall, the poem speaks to the power of finding strength within oneself, even in moments of isolation and obscurity. It suggests that one can find comfort and purpose in embracing and cherishing their individuality, even if they are not always noticed or outwardly acknowledged by others.