Renewable Resources

Non-renewable Resources

Solar Energy
Nuclear Energy

Renewable Resources:

- Solar Energy: This refers to the energy obtained from the sun through technologies like solar panels. It is a renewable resource as sunlight is continuously available.
- Grass: Grass is a renewable resource as it can grow back quickly after being harvested or grazed upon.
- Eggs: Eggs are considered renewable resources as they can be produced continuously by hens when provided with proper conditions.

Non-renewable Resources:
- Steel: Steel is a non-renewable resource as it is derived from iron ore, which is limited in availability and requires extensive extraction processes.
- Nuclear Energy: Nuclear energy is obtained by harnessing the energy from a nuclear reaction. It is a non-renewable resource as the uranium or plutonium used as fuel in nuclear power plants is limited and cannot be replaced once depleted.
- Coal: Coal is a non-renewable resource that is extracted from the Earth's crust. Its formation takes millions of years and as such, it is considered finite in supply. Once coal is burned for energy, it cannot be replaced.