Mention two study methods and how I can use them to achieve mastery of content

1. Active recall: This study method involves actively retrieving information from memory rather than passively reviewing notes or textbooks. To use this method, you can start by reading a portion of the content and then try to recall the key concepts or information without looking at your notes. After that, compare what you remembered with your notes to identify any gaps or errors. Repeat this process several times with different sections of the content to strengthen your memory and understanding of the material. Additionally, you can create flashcards or practice questions to test your knowledge and actively recall the information.

2. Spaced repetition: This study technique involves reviewing information at specific intervals over time to enhance long-term retention. To utilize spaced repetition, you can divide the content into smaller sections or flashcards. Start by reviewing the first section or flashcard and test your understanding. Once you are comfortable with it, move on to the next one. However, revisit the first section or flashcard after a certain interval (usually increasing intervals, like a day, a week, a month) to reinforce your memory and prevent forgetting. Gradually increase the interval for each review based on how long you can retain the information accurately. This method helps strengthen your memory and ensures that the content is well-established in your long-term memory.