Identify if the three sentences are reliable, what are reliable.

A. The pioneers to explore the opal feels found an unpleasant and unfriendly environment
B. None of the Pioneers like summer because it was dreadfully hot.
C. To adapt to the challenging environment, pioneers, build, underground homes.

A. The pioneers to explore the opal feels found an unpleasant and unfriendly environment - This sentence seems reliable as it presents a fact about the pioneers' experience in a specific environment.

B. None of the Pioneers like summer because it was dreadfully hot - This sentence may be reliable in conveying the pioneers' dislike for summer due to the extreme heat, but it also includes a subjective opinion ("dreadfully hot").

C. To adapt to the challenging environment, pioneers build underground homes - This sentence seems reliable as it describes a method used by pioneers to adapt to their environment.