Illustrate an appetizing image depicting a tangy slice of pizza on a white ceramic plate, the golden cheese melted over the ripe tomatoes and delicious toppings. Beside the pizza, there lies a soft drink in a glass bottle, full of fizzy liquid that signifies refreshment. The scenario is set on a typical restaurant table with a menu card, and the ambient light reflecting off the freshness of the food. The scene is devoid of any textual content and encapsulates the theme of purchasing food at a restaurant.

A slice of pizza cost $3.19 and they drink cost X dollars the cost of a slice of pizza and a drink together is $5.61 complete and solve the equation that represents the cost of the drink

Let's represent the cost of the drink as D.

The cost of a slice of pizza is $3.19.

The cost of a slice of pizza and a drink together is $5.61, so we can write the equation:

3.19 + D = 5.61

To solve for D, we can subtract 3.19 from both sides of the equation:

D = 5.61 - 3.19

D = 2.42

Therefore, the cost of the drink is $2.42.