Which of the following responsibilities are held by the federal government choose all it apply protection and national parks administering healthcare providing social security Management inner city traffic creating Garbage collection service catering City governments in Texas

The responsibilities held by the federal government from the options you provided are:

- Protection and national parks: The federal government is responsible for protecting and managing national parks and other federal lands.
- Administering healthcare: While the federal government does have some involvement in healthcare policy and programs, it is primarily the responsibility of individual states and local governments.
- Providing social security: The federal government is responsible for administering and providing social security benefits to eligible individuals.
- Management inner city traffic: Traffic management is primarily the responsibility of local governments, such as city or municipal governments.
- Creating Garbage collection service: Garbage collection services are typically provided and managed by local governments.
- Catering City governments in Texas: The federal government does not directly cater to city governments in Texas or any other state.