And once the sentence is explain how dictionary helps readers better understand unfamiliar awards

The dictionary helps readers better understand unfamiliar words by providing the definitions, pronunciations, and usage examples of those words. When encountering unfamiliar words in a sentence, readers can consult a dictionary to look up the meanings of those words, allowing them to grasp the precise intent and significance of the sentence.

In the context of awards, dictionaries can be particularly helpful in deciphering the meanings and connotations of unfamiliar award names. Awards often have unique or specific titles that may not be immediately clear to readers. The dictionary can shed light on the meaning of these titles, providing clarity on the purpose, significance, or historical context of the award.

For example, if a reader comes across the phrase "The Order of the Garter award," they might be unfamiliar with what the "Order of the Garter" signifies. By referring to a dictionary, they can discover that it is a prestigious British order of chivalry established by King Edward III. This information allows the reader to better comprehend the weight and honor associated with receiving such an award.

By using a dictionary, readers can strengthen their understanding of unfamiliar awards, unraveling any ambiguity or confusion linked to award names. This increased comprehension enables readers to appreciate and interpret texts more accurately, fully grasping the significance of specific honors or accolades mentioned in the writing.