Distinguish between training and education.​​​​​​​ (1 point) Responses Training is about gaining theoretical knowledge, and education is learning something with the goal of performing a skill. Training is about gaining theoretical knowledge, and education is learning something with the goal of performing a skill. Training is about understanding, and learning is about repetition. Training is about understanding, and learning is about repetition. Training is learning something with the goal of performing a skill, and education is about gaining theoretical knowledge. Training is learning something with the goal of performing a skill, and education is about gaining theoretical knowledge. Training is about repetition, and learning is about understanding.

Training and education are often used interchangeably; however, they have distinct differences.

Training is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, and competencies to perform a specific task or job. It is focused on practical application and aims to improve performance and proficiency in a particular area. Training is often structured, guided, and hands-on, providing the necessary tools and techniques to perform a specific skill effectively.

On the other hand, education refers to a broader and more comprehensive form of learning. It encompasses a range of subjects and disciplines, aiming to develop a person's intellectual abilities, critical thinking, and understanding of the world. Education is focused on acquiring knowledge, concepts, and theories rather than specific skills or tasks.

In summary, training is skill-oriented and focused on practical application, while education is broader in scope and emphasizes the acquisition of knowledge and understanding.