Which of the following explains why national security was an issue in the annexation between Texas and the us

The main reason national security was an issue in the annexation between Texas and the US is the geopolitical aspect. Texas, as an independent republic, had a significant size and population, and its position on the southern border of the United States made it a strategic location for national security and defense purposes.

1. Border Security: Texas shared a large and porous border with Mexico. Annexing Texas meant direct control over the border region, allowing the US to have more authority in protecting its southern boundaries from potential threats, including possible invasions or border disputes.

2. Manifest Destiny: The concept of Manifest Destiny, which was prevalent in the 19th century, drove the US to expand its territory from coast to coast. Annexing Texas was seen as a step towards fulfilling this vision, ensuring that the US maintained control over as much land as possible. Control over Texas helped secure the US position in North America and prevented any potential European colonial intervention.

3. Expansion of Slavery: Another aspect of national security related to the annexation of Texas was the issue of slavery. Texas was a slave-holding territory, and its addition to the United States would provide more land for the expansion of slavery. At the time, the institution of slavery was a contentious issue, and maintaining a balance in Congress between slave states and free states was deemed crucial to avoid conflicts that could threaten the nation's security.

4. Potential Threats from Mexico: Mexico, which previously controlled Texas, did not recognize its independence and maintained claims over the region. The unresolved border disputes led to tensions between Mexico and the independent Republic of Texas. By annexing Texas, the US aimed to protect itself from potential conflicts and threats arising from Mexico's claims over the territory.

Overall, the national security concerns in the annexation of Texas can be attributed to the strategic location of Texas on the US-Mexico border, the concept of Manifest Destiny, the expansion of slavery, and the need to protect the US from potential conflicts with Mexico.