How is the number of Electoral College seats per state determined?

(1 point)
• by the number of party delegates assigned to the state
• by the total number of House and Senate representatives
O by the traditional number assigned under the 12th Amendment
• by giving each state two seats

The number of Electoral College seats per state is determined by the total number of House and Senate representatives. Each state is allocated a number of seats equal to its total number of representatives in the U.S. Congress, including its two Senators and the number of Representatives it has in the House of Representatives.

Which of the following are examples of a plurality? Select all that apply.

Resignation, impeachment or removal, a succession in the 25th Amendment.
(1 point)|
• 370 of 435 members of Congress support a bill.
• 51 of 100 senators support a judicial nominee.
Main Concepts
• 9 of 9 Supreme Court justices support a decision.
1,550 of the Democrat Party's 4,765 delegates prefer a candidate.

205 of 538 members of the Electoral College vote for a president.
2,472 of 2,472 Republican delegates support an incumbent] candidate.
• 2016 Connections Education ULC.

The correct answers are:

- 370 of 435 members of Congress support a bill.
- 51 of 100 senators support a judicial nominee.
- 1,550 of the Democrat Party's 4,765 delegates prefer a candidate.
- 205 of 538 members of the Electoral College vote for a president.
- 2,472 of 2,472 Republican delegates support an incumbent candidate.

only two answers

Apologies for the confusion. The correct answers are:

- 370 of 435 members of Congress support a bill.
- 51 of 100 senators support a judicial nominee.

The number of Electoral College seats per state is determined by the total number of House and Senate representatives.

To understand how this works, we need to go back to the basics of the Electoral College system. The Electoral College is composed of 538 electors who are responsible for electing the President and Vice President of the United States. These electors are divided among the states based on their representation in Congress.

Each state is allocated a certain number of electors equal to the total number of representatives they have in the United States Congress. This includes both the House of Representatives and the Senate. The House of Representatives is a proportional representation based on each state's population, while the Senate has two representatives for each state, regardless of its population. This combined number of House and Senate representatives determines the number of Electoral College seats for a state.

For example, let's consider a state like California, which has 53 seats in the House of Representatives and 2 seats in the Senate. The total number of representatives for California would be 55, which means it has 55 Electoral College seats.

Therefore, the correct answer is "by the total number of House and Senate representatives."