Hagrid avatar

High School
answered • expert verified
A tennis court has a baseline at each end. One is labeled in the picture. Which part of the tennis court is equidistant from the midpoints of the two baselines? Explain.

The part of the tennis court that is equidistant from the midpoints of the two baselines is the center of the court.

To understand why this is the case, let's consider the definition of a midpoint. A midpoint is a point that is exactly halfway between two other points.

In this case, the midpoints of the two baselines are the points that are exactly halfway between the ends of each baseline. Since the baselines are parallel lines, the midpoints are also in a straight line, which we can call the center line.

Now, let's consider the distances from the midpoints of the baselines to any point on the center line. If we take any point on the center line and measure the distance to one midpoint, then measure the distance to the other midpoint, we will find that the distances are equal. This is because the two midpoints are exactly halfway between the ends of each baseline, so any point on the center line will be equidistant to both midpoints.

Therefore, the part of the tennis court that is equidistant from the midpoints of the two baselines is the center of the court.