write a statement explaining the why there was no methodology section in the essay

The absence of a methodology section in the essay can be attributed to the nature and scope of the topic being discussed. In certain cases, the inclusion of a methodology section may not be necessary or relevant to the subject matter being explored.

For instance, if the essay is primarily focused on providing theoretical analysis, interpretation, or critique of existing literature or artworks, a methodology section may not be deemed essential. In such cases, the aim is not to gather or analyze empirical data, employ specific research methods, or present a systematic process of investigation.

Moreover, if the essay is more of a personal opinion piece, reflection, or creative expression, the inclusion of a methodology section might not be appropriate. These types of essays are often subjective in nature and rely on personal experience, intuition, or individual interpretation, rather than adhering to a rigid scientific or academic approach.

Furthermore, the omission of a methodology section can sometimes be intentional to create a more concise and focused essay. Including an elaborate methodology section might divert attention from the key argument or main points the essay intends to convey. In such cases, the author might prioritize clarity, brevity, and directness of presentation over providing a detailed methodological framework.

Therefore, the absence of a methodology section in the essay does not necessarily indicate a flaw or shortcoming in the writing. It implies a deliberate choice by the author to focus on other relevant aspects of the topic, or it reflects the nature and purpose of the essay itself, which may not require a methodological exposition.