Use the periodic table to answer the question.Which element has the same number of valence electronics as bromine [Br]?

Potassium [k]
Chlorine [Cl]
Selenium [Se]
Krypton [Kr]

Potassium [K] has the same number of valence electrons as bromine [Br]. Both potassium and bromine have 7 valence electrons.

Which one tho?

Apologies for the confusion. The correct answer is Chlorine [Cl]. Chlorine [Cl] and Bromine [Br] both have 7 valence electrons. Potassium [K], Selenium [Se], and Krypton [Kr] have different numbers of valence electrons.

To determine which element has the same number of valence electrons as bromine (Br), we need to locate bromine on the periodic table and identify its group number. The group number corresponds to the number of valence electrons for an element.

Bromine is located in group 17, also known as the halogens. This means that bromine has 7 valence electrons.

Now we need to compare bromine's group number to the other elements mentioned: potassium (K), chlorine (Cl), selenium (Se), and krypton (Kr).

- Potassium (K) is in group 1, which means it has 1 valence electron.
- Chlorine (Cl) is also in group 17, so it has the same number of valence electrons as bromine, which is 7.
- Selenium (Se) is in group 16, which means it has 6 valence electrons.
- Krypton (Kr) is in group 18, also known as the noble gases, and it has 8 valence electrons.

Therefore, the element with the same number of valence electrons as bromine (Br) is chlorine (Cl).