Alec drew a scale drawing of an arcade. The scale of the drawing was 8 inches : 3 feet. If the actual length of an air hockey table is 9 feet, how long is the air hockey table in the drawing?


First, we need to convert the actual length of the air hockey table from feet to inches. There are 12 inches in 1 foot, so 9 feet is equal to 9 * 12 = <<9*12=108>>108 inches.

Next, we need to use the scale of the drawing to find the length of the air hockey table in the drawing. The scale is 8 inches : 3 feet.

To find the length in the drawing, we can set up a proportion. Let x be the length of the air hockey table in the drawing:

8 inches / 3 feet = x inches / 108 inches

Cross-multiplying, we get:

3 * x inches = 8 inches * 108 inches

3x = 864

Dividing both sides by 3, we find:

x = 288

Therefore, the length of the air hockey table in the drawing is 288 inches.