Choose a value for a that is greater than 5 and less than 15. Evaluate the

perimeter of the pen for that value, using one of the expressions that you

Let's choose a = 7.

If the expression for the perimeter of the pen is P = 2a + 10, we can substitute a = 7 into the expression:

P = 2(7) + 10
P = 14 + 10
P = 24

So, for a value of a = 7, the perimeter of the pen would be 24.

Explain why you used that expression to evaluate the perimeter of the

donkey’s pen

I used the expression P = 2a + 10 to evaluate the perimeter of the donkey's pen because it is a common formula for finding the perimeter of a rectangular shape.

The expression represents the sum of the lengths of all four sides of the pen. In this formula, 2a represents the total length of the longer sides (we multiply by 2 since there are two longer sides), and 10 represents the length of the shorter sides (assuming they are all equal). Adding these two values together gives us the total perimeter of the pen.

By substituting a specific value into the expression, we can calculate the perimeter for that particular value of a. In this case, the chosen value of a = 7 gives us a perimeter of 24.

To evaluate the perimeter of the pen using one of the expressions, we need to know the expression. Let's assume the expression for the perimeter of the pen is:

Perimeter = 2a + 10

To find a value for "a" that is greater than 5 and less than 15, we can select any number between 6 and 14. For this example, let's choose a = 12.

Now, substitute the value of "a" into the expression for the perimeter:

Perimeter = 2(12) + 10
Perimeter = 24 + 10
Perimeter = 34

Therefore, if "a" is equal to 12, the perimeter of the pen would be 34 units.