How did the formation of the ozone layer contribute to the existence of life on Earth?

3 points
It blocked the Sun’s harmful UV rays.
It caused water vapor to cool, condense, and collect.
It released large amounts of oxygen into the air.
It warmed Earth’s surface, preventing materials from freezing.

The correct options are:

1. It blocked the Sun's harmful UV rays: The ozone layer absorbs and filters out most of the Sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation. UV radiation can damage DNA in living organisms, leading to mutations and potentially harmful health effects. The ozone layer acts as a protective shield, allowing life on Earth to thrive without being constantly exposed to high levels of UV radiation.

2. It released large amounts of oxygen into the air: The process of ozone formation requires the presence of oxygen molecules. As a result, the formation of the ozone layer led to an increase in the concentration of oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere. This increase in oxygen levels was vital for the development and evolution of aerobic organisms, which rely on oxygen for their metabolism.

3. It caused water vapor to cool, condense, and collect: The presence of the ozone layer contributes to the stabilization of the Earth's temperature by regulating the heating and cooling processes of the atmosphere. By absorbing and reflecting solar radiation, the ozone layer helps to keep the Earth's surface and lower atmosphere cooler. This cooling effect contributes to the condensation of water vapor in the atmosphere, leading to the formation of clouds and precipitation. The availability of water in the form of rain and other forms of precipitation is essential for the existence of life on Earth.