The distance traveled in a car varies directly as the amount of gasoline used. If a car travels 640 miles and uses 32 gallons of gas, find the constant of variation or miles per gallon (mpg).(1 point)


18 mpg
18 mpg

22 mpg
22 mpg

20 mpg
20 mpg

24 mpg

To find the constant of variation or miles per gallon (mpg), we need to set up a proportion using the given information.

We know that the distance traveled (dpi) varies directly as the amount of gasoline used (gpi). Therefore, we can write the proportion:

dpi / gpi = k

Where k is the constant of variation or miles per gallon (mpg).

We are given that the car travels 640 miles and uses 32 gallons of gas. Plugging these values into the proportion, we get:

640 / 32 = k

Simplifying, we find:

20 = k

Therefore, the constant of variation or miles per gallon (mpg) is 20 mpg.