Formal conclusion based on this:

Studies say teachers are more influential than parents.

In conclusion, based on the studies conducted, it can be concluded that teachers tend to have a greater influence on individuals compared to parents. These studies provide evidence suggesting that teachers play a significant role in shaping students' attitudes, behaviors, and overall development. However, it is important to acknowledge that the level of influence can vary depending on various factors such as the quality of parental involvement, socio-economic background, and individual circumstances. Ultimately, both teachers and parents play vital roles in the upbringing of children, and their combined efforts are crucial for fostering a well-rounded individual.

Switch up some words, like the "In conclusion," part.

To summarize the findings from these studies, it is evident that teachers hold a more substantial influence on individuals when compared to parents. The research consistently indicates that teachers play a crucial role in shaping students' attitudes, behaviors, and overall development. Nevertheless, it is essential to recognize that the extent of this influence may vary depending on factors such as the level of parental involvement, socio-economic background, and individual circumstances. Ultimately, both teachers and parents significantly contribute to the growth and development of children, and their collaborative efforts are indispensable in nurturing well-rounded individuals.

To form a formal conclusion based on the given statement "Studies say teachers are more influential than parents," we should follow these steps:

1. Identify the source and nature of the studies: Determine the credibility and reliability of the studies. Look for information such as the author, publication, methodology, sample size, and data collection methods. This information will help assess the validity of the studies.

2. Evaluate the criteria for influence: Make sure the studies define and measure what is meant by "influence." Influence can have various dimensions, including academic, emotional, behavioral, and social. Understanding how the studies measure influence will provide a clearer understanding of their findings.

3. Analyze the research findings: Examine the results of the studies thoroughly. Look for patterns, trends, and statistical significance to determine the consistency and strength of the evidence presented. Assess any limitations or biases in the research that may affect the validity of the conclusions.

4. Consider alternative perspectives: It is important to consider potential counterarguments or conflicting studies that may contradict the findings of the aforementioned studies. Additionally, assess whether the studies are generalizable or if they represent only a specific population or context.

5. Draw the formal conclusion: Based on the analysis and evaluation of the studies, make a formal conclusion that accurately represents the evidence. For example, a formal conclusion could be: "Based on the studies conducted by [cite source], which measured various dimensions of influence, it is indicated that teachers have a statistically significant impact on [specific aspect of influence] compared to parents. However, it is essential to consider the limitations of the studies and potential contextual factors that may affect the generalizability of these findings."

Remember, this conclusion is formed based on the given statement and should be considered provisional until further examination or confirmation from additional research is conducted.