Explain how the iron triangle is different from issue networks. (1 point)The iron triangle is catered to private issue networks and is built on a relationship between Congress, interest groups,

and the bureaucracy. Issue networks are singular-focused groups in the public sector that incorporate numerous
groups and organizations for the purpose of affecting a distinct policy.
The iron triangle is catered to private interest groups and is built on a relationship between the media, local officials,
and society. Issue networks are singular-focused groups in the public sector that incorporate numerous groups and
organizations for the purpose of affecting a distinct policy.
The iron triangle is mostly catered to private interest groups and is built on a relationship between Congress, interest
O groups, and the bureaucracy. Issue networks are multifaceted-focused groups in the public sector that incorporate
numerous groups and organizations for the purpose of affecting a distinct policy.
The iron triangle is catered to private interest groups and is built on a relationship between Congress, interest groups,
and the bureaucracy. Issue networks are singular-focused groups in the public sector that incorporate numerous
groups and organizations for the purpose of affecting a distinct polic
