What is the Mean Absolute Deviation of the following set?

{17, 14, 5, 5, 7}





To find the mean absolute deviation (MAD), you first need to find the mean of the set.

Mean = (17 + 14 + 5 + 5 + 7) / 5 = 48 / 5 = 9.6

Next, subtract the mean from each value in the set and calculate the absolute value of the difference.

|17 - 9.6| = 7.4
|14 - 9.6| = 4.4
|5 - 9.6| = 4.6
|5 - 9.6| = 4.6
|7 - 9.6| = 2.6

Then, calculate the mean of these absolute differences.

MAD = (7.4 + 4.4 + 4.6 + 4.6 + 2.6) / 5 = 23.6 / 5 = 4.72

Therefore, the Mean Absolute Deviation of the set is 4.72.