Which one contributed to the start of the renaissance? Increased study of religion,the growing wealth of manors outside the cities,growing wealth in cities

Both the increased study of religion and the growing wealth in cities contributed to the start of the Renaissance.

The increased study of religion, known as humanism, in the 14th and 15th centuries focused on the study of classical texts and the renewal of interest in ancient Greek and Roman philosophy, literature, and art. This intellectual movement laid the foundation for the cultural and intellectual changes that would define the Renaissance.

The growing wealth in cities also played a crucial role in the start of the Renaissance. As cities grew economically, merchants and wealthy families emerged as patrons of the arts and sciences. They sponsored artists, architects, and scholars, and their support created an environment conducive to the development of new ideas and artistic expressions. This patronage allowed artists and intellectuals to pursue their work without being dependent on the Church or aristocratic patrons, leading to increased creativity and innovation during the Renaissance.