What is the solution of 82.78(p + 11.892)= 72.8464 when solving for p? Do you round your answer?

To solve the equation 82.78(p + 11.892) = 72.8464 for p, begin by isolating p.

Divide both sides of the equation by 82.78:
(p + 11.892) = 72.8464 / 82.78.

Simplify the right side:
p + 11.892 = 0.8799.

Subtract 11.892 from both sides of the equation:
p = 0.8799 - 11.892.

Calculate the result:
p = -11.0121.

Therefore, the solution for p is -11.0121. You can round this answer to a desired number of decimal places, if necessary.