When you copy the behavior of others you are forming your personality through Responses heredity. modeling. A peer group. Conscientiousness.

The correct term for copying the behavior of others to form your personality is modeling. Modeling refers to the process of observing and imitating the behavior, attitudes, and traits of others. It can occur within various social contexts, such as within a peer group.

Responses heredity is not a term related to forming personality through modeling. It rather refers to certain inherited and instinctive responses or behaviors that individuals possess as a result of their genetic makeup.

A peer group, on the other hand, can influence and shape an individual's personality through modeling. Peer groups are social groups composed of individuals who are similar in age, status, and interests. They often play a significant role in influencing behavior and shaping one's personality.

Conscientiousness, on the other hand, is one of the personality traits identified in the Five Factor Model of Personality. It refers to the tendency to be organized, responsible, and diligent in one's actions and decisions. While conscientiousness can affect one's behavior and response to modeling, it is not directly related to the process of modeling itself.