
By Alfred Jacob Miller
The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore
look at the following illustration of an early American settler. It would likely inspire a writer to create a story based on all of the following historic information except
a the clothing worn by the individuals
b the background scenery
c using horses for transportation
d the color scheme used

To determine which historic information would be less likely to inspire a writer to create a story based on the given illustration, we can analyze each option.

a) The clothing worn by the individuals: The clothing worn by the individuals in the illustration can provide insights into the historical period and the social status of the settlers. This information could potentially inspire a writer to create a story based on the fashion, societal norms, or cultural aspects related to the clothing.

b) The background scenery: The background scenery depicted in the illustration, such as the landscape, buildings, or natural elements, can provide context and evoke a sense of place and time. This information could also serve as inspiration for a writer to create a story based on the setting, local history, or environmental influences.

c) Using horses for transportation: The inclusion of horses for transportation in the illustration showcases a commonly used mode of transportation during the depicted historic period. This detail could inspire a writer to create a story centered around travel, exploration, or the challenges and lifestyle associated with horse-drawn transportation.

d) The color scheme used: While the color scheme used in the illustration can add visual appeal and aesthetics, it may not have a significant impact on inspiring a writer to create a story. Color selection might not hold historical information as strongly as the other elements mentioned above.

Based on this analysis, the option that would be less likely to inspire a writer to create a story based on the illustration would be d) the color scheme used. While color can enhance the overall atmosphere, it typically does not hold as much historical or narrative significance as the other elements, such as clothing, scenery, and transportation.